Saturday, September 12, 2009

Plane crashes cost insurers over $1 bn in 2009

Paris, Sep 8 (DPA) Aviation insurance companies are experiencing one of their worst years on record due to a number of costly plane crashes, according to information released at a meeting of global reinsurance companies in Monte Carlo.
According to estimates, three plane crashes this year will force insurers to pay more than $1.3 billion (930 million euros) in compensation.

The June 1 crash of an Air France Airbus in the Atlantic Ocean, in which 228 people died, is now estimated to cost about $747 million.

Added to this is are the costs of the February crash of a Colgan Air plane in the US ($354 million) and that of a Yemenia Airlines aircraft near the Comoros islands in late June ($239 million).

As a result, 2009 "will probably go down in history as one of the worst years ever for aviation insurance," the insurers said.


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Hey guys this is Vaseem Ansari, 25 years old, Software & Web Developer, Blogger & works on Open Sources Technologies I love my family and my loved once very much. It takes a while for me to build trust in someone new. I am honest, thoughtful, and my friends tell me that I am wise. I would also say that I am stubborn. but I do learn from my mistakes. I'm Glad I'm Me No one looks The way I do. I have noticed That it's true. No one walks the way I walk. No one talks the way I talk. I am me. There's no one else I'd rather be! Have fun reading this blog and don't forget to subscribe to the feed to keep updated on the latest articles. Visit my Blog at
